Learn More

Too advanced for the library starter courses or want to continue on a different course? Not a problem. There are lots of free resources on the internet if one knows where to look.

freecodecamp logo


Freecodecamp is a nonprofit program dedicated to helping people start new careers in the IT field, but it can also be used as an amazing resource to learn javascript, python, and more!


Image taken from freecodecamp, Twitter

Andriod Developers Kotlin Course

In this beginner course you will learn how to program in the Kotlin programming language, which is used to program Andriod apps.


Image taken from @Kotlin, Twitter

Python Books by Al Sweigart

Al Sweigart has written many books on Python and his books are free to read online. They cover everything from basic Python coding, to creating your own video games with Python.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

Cracking Codes with Python

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python

Making Games with Python & Pygame

The Programiz Website

Programiz can teach you a variety of languages (including, but not limited to Python, Javascript, Java, C, Kotlin, Swift, C++, and more). They also have apps that can help you learn Python, C and Java.

Programiz website!

Image taken from the Programiz linkedin page.